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Square Biz Moment of the Day: Are You Listening?

Square Biz Moment of the Day
By Renée Morgan, Founder & CEO
Certified Business and Executive Coach
Radient Pearl Coaching & Consulting, LLC

“Are you listening?”


Often times, consultants or coaches are afraid to ASK their client for what they need when offering their services. The 1st thing to do is listen. Listen to what the customer actually needs. You may find out that the root of their problem is not in what they are asking for on the surface.....

📺 Check out my video on this topic 📺

“Are you listening?”

Often times, consultants or coaches are afraid to ASK what their client needs when offering their services. The 1st thing to do is listen. Listen to what the customer actually needs. I’ve been doing consulting for over 20 years ... with consulting you bring solutions, with coaching you bring awareness. I do both in my practice.

Your client may ask for one thing, but the root of the problem is something totally different from what they are requesting. As a consultant or coach, your job is to find out what they really need. That's why I find it perplexing, when I get inbox messages daily from vendors/consultants who are offering solutions for problems that don’t even exist in my own business.

For your clients, ask and try to provide a solution. If you don’t have one it’s ok, it’s best to help bring the awareness through coaching to find out what your client actually needs. This is where you LISTEN to their wants but assess what they need. Sometimes the problems are not in their processes or the functionality of their business or organization, it is in the individual’s vision and perspective on the direction they are going in.

Here are two 2 questions to ask yourself when offering services to your clients:

  • Am I asking my clients for what they need?

  • Do I know my client’s vision for their business or leadership career?

Comment below. Let me hear your thoughts on the best practices you have used in communicating with clients.

Let's talk about it!



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Radient Pearl Coaching & Consulting, LLC

"Empowering Businesses & Leaders to Grow, Succeed and Thrive"

Transforming your business and leadership through intuitive coaching & consulting
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