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Hiring People For Your Business: Manifesting Your Ideal Team

Having trouble finding people to hire for your team?

Hiring people for your business or organization can be one of the most difficult decisions to make especially when you need people fast to fill a position with the skills you need.

Whether you are a small, mid-size or large business it’s important that the people you hire believe in the vision and mission of the company. This requires taking time and focused energy to manifest and attract the people who are committed to growing the business.

Connecting your business goals to how you hire people will be one of the major steps to building your team. The benefits can save you time and money if you have a process in place. You'll be less stressed on what’s happening in your business.

  • Start-Ups: How do I hire the people I need without costing me too much? How can I do it all?

  • Mid to Small Businesses: How do I get find people with the skills I need to build my company?

  • Large Organizations: Where do I find top talent? How do I keep my current employees happy?

  • Most people want to do it all themselves

  • Retention …. Holding on to employees

  • Managing too many tasks for your business

  • One person on your team managing too many tasks on top of their assigned role

  • You need help on how you can get organized

  • Hire people who have the skills you don’t’ have .. it’s ok we’re not all perfect, but we can find the people to help put the puzzle together

  • Referrals and References!!!! Call them, trust but verify!!

  • Your business is a reflection of your energy and thoughts, whether you’re a business owner or a leader in an organization. Be sure to be in the right mind space when hiring people to join your team.

  • Create a plan that connects your business goals with how you hire people

  • Figure out the type of employees needed (1099 or Permanent – Salaried)

  • Make your plan specific to your company – every business has different needs based on the services they provide, the customers and client demands

  • Decide who will do the recruiting and onboarding

  • Develop an internal process – Learn it, teach it to your team and make it part of your business

  • Plan for the Future - Succession Planning

What’s your hiring process?

Need help building a strategy to hire your team?

Contact us today for more details on our Talent Strategy & Management Consulting Services


Ready to start planning for your new team? Schedule a call with me to TODAY!

Talent Strategy & Management Consulting Services

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