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From Employee to Entrepreneur: Lessons Learned on Taking the Big Leap

During a new year, everyone has a vision for how they plan to take action and manifest their dreams. For some individuals, they are looking to leave their jobs/careers and start a new business. If you’re thinking about taking the big leap out from employee to entrepreneur .... This is for YOU!

📺 Check out the video on this topic 📺

Things to consider before you take the big leap:
  1. KNOW who you are, your life's purpose and why you are starting your business.

  2. DECIDE you are taking the leap. It is important to make the decision first, then take action.

  3. STRENGTHEN your spiritual practice before you launch your business. You will need your faith while building your business.

  4. NOTIFY and have crucial conversations with loved ones who will be affected by your decision. (e.g. Spouse, partner, kids or anyone living in your immediate household)

  5. PREPARE, PLAN, do your RESEARCH, create a strategy, TEST and PILOT your business concept ... REPEAT!

Tips and advice after you leap:
  1. Believe in yourself! You MUST believe in yourself and your ability to execute your purpose. God gave you this ability. Some people may question you, but it’s their fear of change or lack of understanding. Your purpose is not for everyone else to understand, it’s for you to live.

  2. Mindset Shift from Employee to Entrepreneur You are no longer attached to your company. You are a free agent. You dictate your time, who you want to work with and when you want to work with them. You're free! You know this when you're going into business, but your mind and body need to catch up. Also, you are now an employer. An employer that contributes to the economy by providing jobs to your community. Remember, you are starting from "Ground Zero" (from scratch), there is no team unless you hire them. However, get to know yourself as an entrepreneur before you hire a team for your company.

  3. Know, your target audience. Create a persona or avatar of your ideal customers/clients. Be sure you are connecting with the customers or clients that you want to work with and the ideal consumers who want to buy your products and services.

  4. Plan. Prepare. Prepare and plan. Test, pilot, launch, execute and maintain. Taking the leap starts with preparing yourself emotionally, financially and strategically. Testing your business idea will give you the best foundation to know how feasible your business concept will be before you take the leap. This is a best practice to use even when you're running your business to maintain operations while selling your products and services. Check out our Resource page to download tools to start preparing and planning for your business:

  5. Expect to have some challenges and make "mistakes" Once you leap, it is important to know that you won't always get it right the first time. There will be lessons learned along the way that teach you how to handle future challenges while running your business. Remember, a $1 million dollar mistake is not a $10 million mistake. Access every opportunity to see if you are ready then prepare for the outcomes of what could go right and what could go wrong.

  6. Don't delay your journey to entrepreneurship. Your job (once you decide to quit), is going to offer you the world to keep you. But you MUST stay focused on your purpose and why you're going into business in the first place.

  7. Rejection is your protection. Some people just don't know who you are and what you have to offer. Sometimes they do, but they don't know what to do with what they have. Be sure to work with clients/customers who are ready and excited to buy your products and services. The last thing you want to do is force someone to work with you.

✨Wishing you all blessings, abundance, and joy in fulfilling your purpose!✨

By Renée Morgan, Founder & CEO
Certified Business and Executive Coach
Radient Pearl Coaching & Consulting, LLC LinkedIn Live Event - January 19, 2023

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